Hi, everyone! Well, I have been thinking about Bean's blog a lot lately. He has been up to so much and so much has happened that it was kind of overwhelming to even think about getting back into writing about it all but I figured, "May as well start now before he goes off to kindergarten or something and then I have that much more to make up for!"
This picture is of him during the summer smelling our Agapanthas. He LOVES nature and being outdoors and playing in the backyard. It is one of his favorite things. We have a busy weekend-tonight I have to finish his costume (he is going to be an owl, or as Bean calls them, a "Whoo Whoo!" because we have a Halloween get together with some of Bean's classmates and then on Sunday Anglie Little, one of Bean's NICU nurses is going to come visit us. She is in SF for a conference and was going to be in San Jose visiting some friends so she is going to stop by!
Monday we have school (did you guys know Bean and I are in co-op preschool? It's fun-we get to play and do whatever we want the whole time! We go for 2 hours every Monday) and they are also doing an all-school Halloween parade so all the kids get to dress up for that, then Wednesday Bean, Brady (Bean's best friend), Brianne (Brady's mom and my closest friend here in San Jose) and I are doing the preschool age trick or treating in downtown WIllow Glen (which is an area here in SJ) then that evening Rob and I are taking him trick or treating. I'm going to go upload some pictures off my camera right now but here are a few from this summer.
Bean swimming at my sister's house. HE LOVES TO SWIM! We also did swimming lessons this summer which he LOVED. By the way, he goes under water and thinks it's the neatest, greatest thing ever!
Bean's preferred mode of transportation at my mom's house-the doggy door=)
Bean at the beginning of his peanut butter-Nutella-banana phase.
Bean at a messy art playdate. This is also the first time he discovered a piano. I couldn't get him away from it for the remainder of the playdate.
Bean playing in the backyard with his Splash Center. This thing is the coolest toy.
Bean at the annual Silicon Valley Special Needs Kids meetup swim party. The director is so incredibly nice and this year Bean tried watermelon and he loved it-thank you Dr. Newman and all of our PSVMC family!